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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What the Amish can teach us about health and happiness

What the Amish can teach us about health and happiness

Often viewed as outcasts by mainstream society, the Amish may seem downright bizarre to the average American. Foregoing technological advancements that many of us would be lost without, the Amish have created a way of life that fosters a connection with the land and environment, while also cultivating an impressive sense of community. And they are healthy -- exceedingly so. The Amish rarely experience disorders like cancer or cardiovascular disease, seemingly able to bypass illness altogether. What's their secret?

One of the most striking aspects of the Amish is how they lead their lives, free from modern inventions like electricity, telephones, cars and the myriad of gadgets most of us consider so essential for our productivity and happiness.

They also farm much in the same way as their 18th century ancestors -- without the use of motorized farm equipment. Upon first glance, this may seem like a time-wasting hassle more than anything else. But this lifestyle choice is one of the reasons why the Amish are so darn healthy. That is to say, when you don't rely on machinery, human power is required. Not to mention they walk -- a lot.

This high level of daily physical activity helps to keep their obesity rates low and cardiovascular health in top form. As noted in LA Healthy Living:

"The Amish were able to show us just how far we've fallen in the last 150 years or so in terms of the amount of physical activity we typically perform. Their lifestyle indicates that physical activity played a critical role in keeping our ancestors fit and healthy." -- University of Tennessee professor David R. Bassett, PhD, FACSM.

Nervous tension, diet and vaccinations

Associated with a variety of disorders, from inflammation to endocrine system imbalance, stress is an absolute disaster for health. One of the main contributors to stress is the speed at which we move, think and process. We are bombarded with sensory information at every turn. Add to this a lack of connection and support, and stress can become an overwhelming presence in our day-to-day lives.

Not so with the Amish. Their communities are based on patience and a slower way of being. Competition is frowned upon, while cooperation and harmony are respected. Social support is strong. Through traditional gender roles, each person has a valued part to play within the community. Read more

How to Keep Your Digestive System Healthy

How to Keep Your Digestive System Healthy

Your digestive system is where it all begins. You can’t produce energy, support your mood, or fight infections if you can’t digest, break down, and absorb nutrients. There are many simple things you can do to keep your digestive system healthy, many of which are completely free. Whether it’s exercise, stress reduction, or even enzyme or probiotic supplementation, all can provide enormous benefit to digestive processes.


5 Tips for Healthy Digestion

Digestion begins in the mouth when you begin to chew. In fact, just the act of chewing thoroughly can take a huge strain off your digestive system by prompting your body to provide enzymes to help digestion. Here are a few other things you can do to promote healthy digestion.

1. Follow a Clean Diet

Bananas contain approximately 15-20 percent of your daily fiber needs. Bananas also contain fructooligosaccharide, which is a natural compound that encourages growth of beneficial bacteria. This bacteria–termed “probiotics”–is responsible for a myriad of activities in your body, including facilitating the appropriate digestion and elimination of food. [1] This goes to show that diet, particularly a natural plant-based diet, is incredibly powerful for keeping your digestive system in check.

Green vegetables will also help keep your digestive system healthy for their high amounts of fiber, relatively low carbohydrate and sugar load, and good amounts of water. Foods like kale, spinach, wheatgrass, and alfalfa are all good choices to integrate into your diet. Broccoli sprouts are unsurpassed in their ability to stimulate enzymes that detoxify the digestive system. [2]

2. Exercise

Another thing you can do to benefit your digestive tract is to do some simple, daily exercises. The colon functions much more effectively when abdominal muscles are strong and consistently in motion. Crunches are an excellent way to strengthen these muscles and to improve your appearance at the same time, but simple walking can keep your digestive system healthy by improving blood flow to the intestines and colon. One study showed that women who walk daily were 31% less likely to develop colon cancer. [3]

3. Therapeutic Herbs

There are also herbs that can benefit your digestive tract. Two common varieties include organic cilantro and organic dandelion leaf. Cilantro oil is an enzymatic stimulant. It also helps our intestines secrete digestive acids and juices, and it adds fiber to the digestive process. Some people use cilantro to relieve stomach gas and flatulence. Organic dandelion leaf helps detoxify the digestive tract and help stimulate it when it becomes sluggish. It is one of the best herbs to take for promoting optimal digestive function.

4. Meditation

You can’t discount the effect of your mental health on your physical health. Stress is one of the most pervasive killers in our society. And while we can’t control every circumstance that causes stress, we can change the way we respond. When we’re stressed, our body goes into the “fight or flight” mode, switching off our digestion so we can run away or deal with the problem head on. [4] Meditation is an excellent way to relax and reduce stress, and studies show that relaxation is a powerful method for improving digestive health.

5. Probiotics and Enzyme Supplementation

Advanced Full-Spectrum Systemic Enzyme

One of the most important things you can ever do to keep your digestive system healthy is to cleanse it on a regular basis. A probiotic such as Latero-Flora may be helpful for replenishing your body’s supply of beneficial bacteria which your digestive tract actually needs. If you suffer from digestive issues of any kind, an enzyme supplement like VeganZyme, which contains no animal products, is designed to be an overall enhancer of optimal, ongoing digestive health. Read more

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The best foods to eat for type-2 diabetes

The best foods to eat for type-2 diabetes

Getting diagnosed with type-2 diabetes can do a lot of things to your perspective: Your life, your priorities, your family and even your food. "What am I supposed to eat now?" is a common question after the initial prognosis. Fortunately, enjoying food may still be possible. Diabetes educator, Kathy Honick, of the Barnes Jewish Hospital at St. Louis suggest that patients newly diagnosed with diabetes ask a dietitian to learn what foods may now be available for them and what to avoid.

Type-2 diabetics: Why you want to watch your diet

A diet of sugary drinks and highly processed food is an abnormal dietary intake that causes the increasing and prolonging of blood glucose after eating. This condition forces the pancreas to produce more insulin, the key factor responsible for the diabetes affecting more or less 25.8 million Americans of all ages.

For the type-2 diabetic, the body no longer has enough insulin to keep blood glucose level normal. The body acquires an insulin resistance, thus preventing it from being able to use blood glucose for energy. When this occurs, sugar levels in the body shoot up causing hyperglycemia. Common symptoms include frequent urination, fatigue and hunger. This condition builds up over time and normally affects people who are overweight, although it has been also known to happen to people who are thin. It is also commonly found in the elderly.

An unmanaged diabetes condition can cause serious complications such as kidney problems, nerve damage, high blood pressure and heart attack. The skin can develop sores and infections especially at the feet, sometimes times leading to amputation.

The Glycemic Index

Blood glucose levels are affected by the kind food taken. Food having the greatest effect is carbohydrates because they are processed into glucose from the intestine and into the blood. All carbohydrates, however, are not equally created. Some can be digested at different levels and produce varying effects in raising the glucose level after a meal.

This effect has been quantified by the Glycemic Index. According to the University of Sydney website, food with high GI are those rapidly digested and absorbed resulting to a marked fluctuation in blood sugar levels. The foods with low GI, on the other hand, are slowly digested and absorbed, producing a slow and gradual rise in blood sugar and insulin levels. Studies have shown that a low GI diet improves both glucose and lipid profiles in people with diabetes since the diet also reduces insulin levels and insulin resistance. It also has the added benefit of weight control since it helps control appetite and delays hunger.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1999 recommended to people of industrialized countries to base their diets on low GI food to prevent the diseases of affluence like diabetes, obesity and coronary disease. Read more

Monday, July 27, 2015

Chamomile tea lowers thyroid cancer risk: Study

Chamomile tea lowers thyroid cancer risk: Study

The tiny, daisy-like flowers from the chamomile plant have long been valued for their medicinal properties. At least as far back as Roman times, chamomile was used in teas and extracts to promote relaxation and restful sleep as well as to support the health of the digestive system. Topically, it was used to even skin tones and to bring out highlights in blonde or light-colored hair. It is a popular treatment for the conditions mentioned above even today. However, apparently the healing power of chamomile goes far beyond promoting digestive function and sound sleep. Modern research is also discovering that the bio-active compounds in these tiny, sweet-smelling flowers can also help to reduce the chances of thyroid cancer. While this form of cancer can often be treated successfully with either surgery or radioactive iodine treatment (or both), it is even better to prevent it in the first place! Let's look at the research.

The new study

The study that has everyone talking is one that was recently published in the European Journal of Public Health. Three groups of volunteers were studied for this research: The first was a group of 113 thyroid cancer patients who were compared to another group of 138 cancer-free patients and 286 patients who have a history of benign thyroid disease. All three groups received detailed questionnaires so that researchers could determine such factors as their daily dietary habits, overall medical history, general lifestyle and beverage consumption (including the consumption of coffee and tea).

The results

What the researchers found was that those who consumed the highest amounts of chamomile tea  had the lowest chances of developing thyroid cancer. And the percentage was significant: A person consuming 2-6 cups of chamomile tea on a weekly basis has a whopping 70 percent less chance of thyroid cancer development; if this practice had been going on for 30 years or longer, they were 80 percent less likely to suffer from the onset of this disease. Read more

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A Good Nurse Leader Has These Attitudes

A Good Nurse Leader Has These Attitudes

Always, a good leader is described as selfless, making the people around them succeed for what they do best. Their major concern is for the wellbeing of other people while setting aside or delaying their own progress.

A good nurse leader possesses these traits and attitudes:

1.Fair to each and everyone, treating every individual with the same level of respect.
2. Confident and strong, especially when the time needs them to be.
3. Good role model, in every aspect of it.
4. Calm and cool, even when under so much pressure and complicated situations.
5. Open-minded and innovative, accepts ideas and suggestions applicable from nursing staff.
6. Supports staff and fight for what is right.
7. Always has the high energy and spirit that affects the staff for a more productive shift.
8. Makes each and every nurse feel good and important.
9. Has no pride at all.
10. Bear the emotional intelligence to assess each situation first from every angle before giving the judgement. Read more

Monday, July 20, 2015

What is Livatrex®?

What is Livatrex®?

Livatrex® is an energetically enhanced, 100% all natural blend of powerful organic and wildcrafted herbs. It's specially formulated to support normal function and detoxification of the liver and gallbladder!

Cleansing your liver is a natural process designed to detoxify, flush and purge the liver of fatty deposits, built up toxins, and accumulated stones. Liver stones are formed when excess lipids crystallize into small pebble size stones. Read more

Sunday, July 19, 2015

What is Renaltrex™?

What is Renaltrex™?

Renaltrex™ is an energetically enhanced, 100% all natural blend of powerful organic and wildcrafted herbs. It's specially formulated to support normal function and detoxification of the kidneys.

A Brief History of the Invention of Renaltrex™

Renaltrex™ is the result of unparalleled ancient wisdom reinterpreted in the light of modern equipment and analysis.

The history of Renaltrex™ is based on our Spagyrex® process which was invented during Dr. Group's research into the root cause of disease. He found that disease is caused when the body becomes contaminated with toxins and the internal self-healing mechanism is suppressed.

Thus began his quest to create the most powerful herbal kidney cleanse product and it started by studying the works of the famous 16th century healer, scientist and alchemist, Paracelsus.

Paracelsus, originated Spagyria (Spagyry), which means to extract (spao) and combine (ageiro). The word was used to describe a process of transmuting a preparation of herbs into an elixir of health and longevity.

Dr. Group took this original technology and advanced the science and art of spagyry-based processes to create the Spagyrex® process, a revolutionary, multi-step, proprietary alchemy and spagyry-based processing technique that follows the principle of separating and recombining all the elements of an herb to extract the most powerful essence of its healing nature. This results in a Harmonious Organic Supercharged Extract. Read more

Preventing Constipation the Natural Way

Preventing Constipation the Natural Way 

Do you frequently suffer from constipation? It may feel embarrassing to talk about but constipation is normal every now and then and almost everyone has suffered through it at one point in their lives. The reality is, there are natural ways to combat constipation and prevent the discomfort it brings.

Here are some tips to help you avoid constipation:

1. Drink lots of water. Water has many miracles for our body. It is, after all, the most important requirement of our daily existence. Take in the right amounts of fluid to help your digestive system easily ease out your bowels. Carbonated sodas and alcohol are not counted since these fluids can have dehydrating effects to your body.

2. Eat enough fiber. Fiber is the most important food nutrient that helps us pass bowels easily. Examples of foods rich in fiber are whole grains, leafy vegetables, dark-green vegetables, cooked beans and starchy vegetables. Ample portions of such for breakfast and lunch will ensure a healthy bowel movement. Just make sure to drink lots of water because if fibrous foods are not accompanied by enough amounts of water, they can actually cause constipation. Read more

Saturday, July 18, 2015

How Nurses Benefit from Working in the OR

How Nurses Benefit from Working in the OR

Being a nurse is a tough but rewarding profession. Caring for people and helping them get back into full health are just some of the things that make it fulfilling for many. But some nurses choose to take it to another level and challenge themselves by being an operating room (OR) nurse.

OR nurses – also known as scrub nurses – help in the pre-operative, intraoperative and post-operative stages of the surgical procedure. Assisting doctors inside an operating room, OR nurses use their skills to help not only the doctors but also the patients who, after the procedure, will be under their care.

For nurses, working in the OR is a challenge that will prove to have a lot of contributions to their overall development as medical professionals. Here are some reasons why nurses should try out being in the operating room:

1. OR nurses see through a patient’s progress from start to finish
Patients put a lot of their trust in nurses, who help not just in everyday monitoring and small matters but also in larger medical decisions that help in their treatment.

OR nurses help in the process by prepping a patient before surgery and assisting in other pre-operative assessments. After this, the nurse is also there assisting throughout the procedure, learning everything that needs to be known about the patient’s condition. After the surgery, they provide care and assistance until the patient is fully recovered.

2. OR nurses build a special bond with their patients
Full care of a person from pre- to post-operative stage helps not only in building experience for full patient care, but it also creates a special bond between nurses and patients. OR nurses have the opportunity to have a meaningful effect in a patient’s overall health and wellness.

3. OR nurses work closely with surgeons, obstetricians and other physicians
A large part of a scrub nurse’s job is to assist doctors inside the operating room, often handling instruments under the direction of physicians, and assisting in monitoring patients throughout the procedure. This requires nurses to learn new skills and be responsible for certain areas of an operation.

4. OR nurses get to make important decisions on the patient’s care 
Apart from that, a crucial role of an OR nurse is the collaboration with the physicians inside the room. An OR nurse is valuable as he or she can even assist in a doctor’s decision-making process.
This puts a nurse at a great advantage, as the learnings inside an operating room can be added knowledge as a nurse pursues further his or her career in medicine and caregiving.

5. The operating room will make you grow mentally, physically and emotionally
Working in an OR is a physically demanding job. It can require hours of being on your feet, shuffling back and forth in a fast-paced environment and having to stay on top of things with very little sleep (or none at all). This makes the work mentally tasking as well, as you’re expected to make life-saving decisions in a heartbeat.

But the challenge of overcoming this and working hard to help out other people will give you the most rewarding feeling. At the end of the day, it will help you mature not only professionally but also personally. It gives you the strength to continue working, as well as the purpose to keep striving in giving your best.

In many ways, working as a scrub nurse helps develop maturity, grit and strength of character. And in the end, it will lead you to becoming the best nurse and health professional you could possibly be.

Read more:

Friday, July 17, 2015

Should I take Vitamin D2 or Vitamin D3?

Should I take Vitamin D2 or Vitamin D3?

We now know how important it is to maintain adequate vitamin D levels for optimal health, since insufficient vitamin D has been linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, osteoporosis, autoimmune disease and cancer.1


Since sun exposure may be unreliable during winter and may damage the skin, supplements are required by most of us to maintain healthy vitamin D levels. There are two forms of vitamin D available in supplemental form: vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). D3 is the form that is produced in our skin when we are exposed to sunlight. Traditionally, D3 supplements have been non-vegan, usually produced from lanolin (a product of sheep’s wool). D2 (ergocalciferol) is the synthetic form of vitamin D in many supplements and also the form produced by yeast and fungi. It was recently discovered that there is a microorganism (lichen) that produces D3, so vegan D3 is now also available. There has been some controversy over whether D2 and D3 are equivalent at raising blood vitamin D levels and bringing about the health benefits associated with vitamin D adequacy. Read more

The Health Benefits of Probiotics

The Health Benefits of Probiotics

Repeatedly demonstrated to aid gastrointestinal health in the human body, acidophilus and other probiotics are key elements of our overall health and well being. This is particularly true when we consider that many of our common-day chronic ailments begin in the digestive system. It is also true when we consider the sheer number of people that suffer from poor gastrointestinal health, a condition which lowers the overall level of good bacteria in the body.

Before we go into the multi-fold benefits of taking probiotics, let’s define what probiotics are. The Joint FAO/WHO Working Group defines probiotics as “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.”

In plain English, probiotics are a type of living bacteria that actually benefit your health when taken in the appropriate amounts. This friendly bacteria, located in the gastrointestinal tract, comes in a variety of forms. With more than 400 different bacteria living in the human gastrointestinal tract, the most common forms of intestinal probiotics are L. acidophilus and Bifidobacteria bifidum. Read more