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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Top seven natural cures for cancer that got buried by the FDA, AMA, CDC

Top seven natural cures for cancer that got buried by the FDA, AMA, CDCD

How do you keep the spread of cancer "growing"? Bury the cure. How do you keep 1.5 million Americans "infested" yearly with mutated cells that multiply uncontrollably? You breed cancer in food and medicine. How many years ago did America start this evil strategy to make people sick and deny them the cure? Nearly 100 years. Where did it all really start? The American Medical Association (AMA) and a man named Morris Fishbein, who single-handedly removed nutrition from medical schools in the U.S. and installed a fake seal of approval for harmful lab-made drugs that made cancer worse. What else did Fishbein do? (


Just in case you "doubters" and skeptics want some concrete proof, some evidence to take with you on your journey NOT to get cancer, here are some historical, proven facts to help you understand WHY you need to go 100% organic and research and use natural remedies, to build your immunity to disease with superfoods, herbs, tinctures and organic supplements. 

Let's begin this journey of truth and the not-so-healthy history of medicine in this bold country we call the "Land of the Free." Let's begin with the TOP SEVEN CURES for cancer that mainstream media will never admit to, because their advertising money comes from Big Pharma, the GMO Agriculture giants (Monsanto/Dupont/Bayer/Dow Chemical/etc.) and the lobbyists and politicians who make their money off of stocks in cancer therapies that don't work:

1. The AMA once paid a cancer virus researcher $250K to retire in Mexico and stop working on natural cures:

2. Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work:

3. 'Dying to Have Known' documentary features Gerson Therapy natural cancer cure:

4. Harry Hoxsey: Guilty of Curing Cancer with Herbs:

5. Medicinal mushrooms like reishi and chagacan beat cancer:

6. Marijuana - A cure for cancer?

7. Beat cancer with 35% hydrogen peroxide!

Pay it forward 100 years

Nearly 100 years ago, the AMA began removing nutritional education from medical schools in America. Medical doctors would no longer understand anything about using food as medicine (or be allowed to suggest it), and all mid-wives, Native American herbalists and natural healers would be referred to in medical journals as "quacks." The Western Medicine philosophy would soon come to be that no food in the world could ever heal a human being or cure any disease or disorder; in fact, only pharmaceuticals and vaccines would ever be able to make that claim (legally) and get away with it, whether in peer reviews, medical and science journals (JAMA), scientific "studies" or labeled as such on products. 

Currently, it is illegal for any food, herb, tincture or superfood product to say that it cures anything, yet medications advertised on TV since 1997 can say they treat all kinds of diseases and disorders, even though the side effects are horrendous, some of the time including internal bleeding and suicide.

Mother Nature, on the other hand, has a CURE for everything and also offers prevention and immunity for everything under the sun. Nutritionists and Naturopathic Physicians will tell you all day that organic fruits and vegetables are the key to healing and living a healthy life. A plant-based diet can heal nearly any health problem, and the body is like a machine that fires "on all cylinders" when given the correct fuel. Take this knowledge and be on your way to health freedom and natural living, where you have lots of energy, rarely ever get sick, can think critically all the time, can be spiritual and independent and take care of your family! Follow Natural News and track the truth. Learn and grow from it. Don't eat cancer. Don't drink cancer. Be organic. (

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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Amino acids shown to be effective at treating brain injuries

Amino acids shown to be effective at treating brain injuries


Researchers from The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia have found in a lab study that amino acids ( are highly effective at restoring cognitive function and balancing neurochemical levels in those who have undergone brain trauma ( Conducted on mice who had been inflicted with traumatic brain damage, the study holds promising potential for humans with similar injuries.

The study appeared in the online journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In it, researchers fed brain-injured mice leucine, isoleucine, and valine, three branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) that have been shown to heal severe brain injuries. The result was that the brain-injured mice demonstrated a full cognitive recovery, visibly responding the same as uninjured mice following their treatment.

The BCAAs used in the study are the precursors to two important neurotransmitters, glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) which jointly balance proper brain activity. Damage to the hippocampus, the portion of the brain that sustains memory and higher learning, is typical during a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and results in reduced BCAA levels. Supplementation with BCAAs has proven to rejuvenate the brain and restore it to normal function.

Intravenous nourishment with BCAAs has been done before, however in this study the BCAA mixture was added to the mice's drinking water. Dr. Akiva Cohen, Ph.D. and author of the study, recommends dietary supplementation with BCAAs for human TBI treatment. He believes oral rather than intravenous supplementation is preferable because, rather than flood the brain with too high a dose intravenously, drinking BCAAs will provide a more sustained dose with increased benefits.

Comments by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
This is interesting research because it shows how dietary supplements can give the brain the raw materials it needs to heal itself. The fact that this process exists at all is considered utterly impossible by the FDA, which maintains the ridiculous position that there is no such thing as a nutritional supplement that has any therapeutic effect on the human body whatsoever.

If BCAAs actually worked, the FDA says, they would be "drugs" instead of supplements. And they would be regulated and available only by prescription. The FDA cannot tolerate the existence of a nutritional supplement that actually works to accelerate healing while being freely available to anyone who wants to buy it.

Reality, however, stands in contrast to the FDA. In the real world, nutrients do help the brain heal. In the real world, food is medicine. The FDA, to its own embarrassment, continues to deny this simple fact of human physiology.

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90 Percent of African American Children Deficient in Vitamin D

90 Percent of African American Children Deficient in Vitamin D

As many as 90 percent of all black children may be deficient in vitamin D, according to a new analysis conducted by researchers from Harvard Medical School, the University of Colorado-Denver and Massachusetts General Hospital, and published in the journal Pediatrics.


The American Academy of Pediatrics defines an adequate vitamin D blood level in children as 50 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L), but many researchers have begun to argue that 75 nmol/L are actually necessary for good health.

"There are a lot of studies demonstrating associations between low levels of vitamin D and a laundry list of poor health outcomes," lead researcher Jonathan Mansbach said.

Vitamin D plays a critical role in bone health and development, and guidelines for safe levels were originally set with those effects in mind. Yet new research suggests that higher levels may be necessary for the vitamin to help regulate the immune system and protect against cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disorders and infection.

In the current study, researchers used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which measured vitamin D blood levels of approximately 5,000 children between 2001 and 2006. The study participants were designed to comprise a nationally representative sample.

Suntrex D3

The researchers found that if 75 nmol/L is taken as the cutoff point, 92 percent of black children, 80 percent of non-black Hispanic children and more than two-thirds of all children have insufficient levels of the vitamin. Mansbach called the numbers "astounding."

"If 75 nmol/L or higher is eventually demonstrated to be the healthy normal level of vitamin D, then there is much more vitamin D deficiency in the U.S. than people realize," Mansbach said.

Even using the lower level of 50 nmol/L, a full 20 percent of children still had insufficient vitamin D levels Nationally, this would translate into six million people.

Sun exposure is still considered the best source for vitamin D

Suntrex D3

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Monday, March 14, 2016

Nuclear industry hides from public huge radiation spikes at power plant reactors

Nuclear industry hides from public huge radiation spikes at power plant reactors

A nuclear insider has unleashed a bombshell about how radiation is actually released from nuclear power plant reactors -- and what he has to say might shock you. During a recent interview with Nuclear Hotseat host Libbe HaLevy, radiation biologist Dr. Ian Fairlie spoke about massive radiation spikes that occur when plant reactors are refueled, a common occurrence that the industry has long withheld from the public.


From time to time, nuclear power plants require fresh infusions of fuel in order to keep operating. During this process, nuclear reactors are depressurized and their valves opened up, resulting in a release of gas containing some radioactive elements. The radioactive concentration of this release is said to be minimal, and plant operators are required to report it to regulators annually.

When these reports are made, however, plant operators typically average out the total radioactive release across a 365-day period, which makes it appear small. In truth, the bulk of the release occurs in a very short period of time, often in just one afternoon, which means workers and those living downwind are sustaining high amounts of radioactive exposure.

"Up until 2012, we didn't really know what happened with emissions from nuclear reactors," explained the independent nuclear consultant during the segment. "The only data that we had was annual data.... We didn't really know the time pattern -- now we do."

Up to 75 percent of total radioactive release at nuclear power plants occurs in just one instance

According to Dr. Fairlie, it is a common misconception that small bursts of radiation are released from nuclear power plants throughout the year, representing a minimal overall threat. Up to three-quarters, or 75 percent, of what is recorded annually as radiation releases occurs in just one large spike, typically during the refueling of reactors.

"Instead of having even, little bits of emissions throughout the 365 days, you have one big, massive spike which happens over a day-and-a-half period," said Dr. Fairlie. "That's important... because it results in doses which are at least 20 times higher, maybe even as much as 100 times higher."

This is significant because current regulatory guidelines do not require plant operators to disclose when and how often such releases occur, which creates an illusion of safety. If people knew that nuclear plants operated in this manner, they would likely avoid being near them on the few days when large radiation releases occur.

"These spikes have been hidden from us ever since the beginning of the nuclear power program," explained Dr. Fairlie. "Nobody knew about them apart from people who work in the nuclear industry and they keep really quiet about it."

Tell the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to protect public from radioactive releases

Though the data from which Dr. Fairlie came to these conclusions was compiled in Germany, he says similar radioactive releases are likely occurring at U.S. reactors as well. He is now urging Americans to contact the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and demand that such information be disclosed in the interest of public health.

"You have to go to your regulator and say, 'There's no reason why this is not occurring at U.S. reactors. These data are from [German] pressurized water reactors... so we know that it's very, very likely the same thing is happening with U.S. reactors," he added.

You can contact the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to demand full disclosure on nuclear power plant data by visiting:

You can also listen to the full Nuclear Hotseat interview with Dr. Fairlie here:

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Friday, March 11, 2016

Jury decides that 'climate necessity' excuses criminal actions, renders 'not guilty' verdict

Jury decides that 'climate necessity' excuses criminal actiions, renders 'not guilty' verdict

To a liberal – especially a climate change activist– there is no such thing as the rule of law when it comes to saving the planet. In fact, when the planet is at stake, then anything goes.


That's the only way to explain how a jury in one of the country's most liberal, environmentally-conscious sectors of the country, could vote to acquit obvious lawbreakers whose defense was, in essence, acting out of "climate necessity."

As noted by The Daily Beast, Seattle-area jurors in Snohomish County, Wash., found a group called the "Delta 5" not guilty of obstruction for purposefully blockading an area oil facility in 2014. The website noted further:

"The protest and the acquittal were notable as part of a growing wave of anti-oil-gas-and-coal citizen actions that has swept the country in the past few years, and the courtroom in Snohomish County was treated to a master class on why principled lawbreaking is just the tonic needed to cure our government's woeful inaction on warming."

Wait, what? We don't even know if man is causing 'climate change'

The defense? "Climate necessity" – the first use of that term to justify an illegal action in the history of the country. The argument goes that the defendants should not have been held responsible for their obvious violation of the law because, after all, they were only doing what they could to ensure that the planet survives – the rights and privileges of the oil company to freely operate a legal business without impediment, notwithstanding.

Oh, the "defense" – such as it is – has been tried before, but it had not made it past a judge ... until now. (Of note: The DB reports that a group of enviro-protestors used the defense successfully in England in 2008.)

Next up is Cortlandt, New York. The "Montrose 9" are on trial for disorderly conduct, following the forced shut-down of a construction site along the Algonquin gas pipeline in Westchester County, in November. These people, like those in Washington, have purposefully and proudly broken the law because they have bought into the Left-wing hype that man and, specifically, America, through its industrialization and use of gas and oil, is destroying the planet (hint: there is no proof of this, mind you, but it's liberalism, so intentions count). The next hearing for these alleged lawbreakers is Feb. 3. If they make it past the judge, theirs will become the second trial in two weeks to air the "climate necessity" defense

While some may applaud the concept of jury nullification – and agreed, it can be very tempting – it should never be applied to a political ideology or an unproven concept.

Even if man-caused climate change was real (and it's not), there are processes for getting laws passed and making the necessary legislative and policy changes to save the world.

As noted in The DB's report, a number of the accused in each of the two cases voiced frustration with a government and system of lawmaking that appears unresponsive and stodgy. That makes sense; their pet cause has been given the appropriate short shrift in the policy-making arena, and that has upset them, even to the point of breaking the law.

Excused lawlessness breeds more lawlessness

There's actually been a lot of this acceptance of lawbreaking, both in the state of Washington and in the Obama White House Washington is one of two states, Colorado being the other, where citizens approved ballot measures "legalizing" the sale and use of recreational marijuana. Say what you will about pot, it remains against federal law to use it recreationally.

However, there has been silence from the Obama administration's Justice Department – the president once said he has "bigger fish to fry" – and that is telling, given that he has had no trouble going after states whose citizens have passed ballot measures tightening immigration law and banning gay marriage.

But it also sets a poor example – one that is obviously spreading. When lawlessness is rewarded, it breeds more lawlessness.

Just because you have decided that your pet cause is "worthy" enough to act upon, doesn't give you the right to break laws.

If you're someone who agrees with what just happened in Snohomish County, Wash., just remember this: Eventually someone will break a law that you do care about, and that you will want to see them punished for. Imagine your anger and disappointment if the jury decides to let them walk.


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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Health Benefits of Oil Pulling

The Health Benefits of Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic therapy believed to promote oral health and detoxification and available data shows promise for this natural health technique. The practice of oil pulling involves the use of food-grade oils, such as coconut oil, as an agent for “pulling” away harmful toxins. Unwanted organisms from the mouth, teeth, gums, and throat are also thought to be removed.


What is Oil Pulling?

A general oil pulling technique involves swishing around 1 tbsp. of cold-pressed, organic sesame oil in the mouth for approximately 10-15 minutes. Following this, the oil should then be spit out and the mouth rinsed with clean, fresh water. It is believed that the toxins in the mouth are pulled into the oil during the swishing process, and spitting it out results in the removal these toxic compounds. Other oils used in oil pulling include extra-virgin coconut and olive oil, preferably organic and cold pressed. Whether it’s sesame, olive, or coconut oil, all contain essential fatty acids and antioxidants that are good for your gums and teeth.

Fresh Mouth

How it Works

First, the oil mixes with the saliva, turning it into a thin, white liquid. Lipids in the oil supposedly pull out toxins from the saliva, cementing its claim as an efficient detoxifier. As the oil is swished around in the mouth, it continues to absorb toxins and usually ends up turning thick, viscous, and white. Once the oil has reached this consistency (typically after ten minutes), it is spit out before the toxins are reabsorbed.

Potential Benefits of Oil Pulling

The increasing interest surrounding oil pulling in the lay population has correspondingly increased scientific scrutinization of the practice. One study showed that oil pulling with sesame oil can boost overall oral health by significantly reducing Streptococcus mutans, a microbe that contributes to tooth decay. [1] Some scientists believe the lipids in the oil reduce the adhesion of bacteria to the teeth and gums, possibly explaining its bacteria-diminishing effects.

Other research shows that oil pulling can relieve bad breath This same research has also shown that oil pulling can noticeably reduce the presence of plaque to support the health of teeth and gums. [2] Research also shows that swishing with sesame oil produces a saponification process, or a process in which the oil produces a soap-like effect in the mouth. [3]

Some sources even claim that dental caries, or cavities, have also been shown to be reduced by up to 50% in persons who practice oil pulling. [4] The oil used in this study was sesame oil, perhaps one of the most popular oils used in oil pulling, and showed very powerful activity in the mouth. Just 40 days of oil pulling resulted in a 20% decrease in oral bacteria.

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Benefits Beyond Dental Health?

Many holistic practitioners cite other benefits of oil pulling. It is believed that oil pulling stimulates the lymphatic system and aids in the transport of toxins away from vital organs. The reported benefits of oil pulling include:

- Teeth whitening
- Clear skin
- Improves digestion
- Weight loss
- Promotes normal sleep patterns
- Helps kidney and liver function

Is oil pulling part of your oral health habits? What tips, advice, and experience can you share? Please leave a comment below!

-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


1. Asokan S, Rathan J, Muthu MS, Rathna PV, Emmadi P, Raghuraman, Chamundeswar. Effect of oil pulling on Streptococcus mutans count in plaque and saliva using Dentocult SM Strip mutans test: a randomized, controlled triple-blind study Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry. 2008 March;26(1):12-7.

2. Asokan S, Kumar RS, Emmadi P, Raghuraman R, Sivakumar N. Effect of oil pulling on halitosis and microorganisms causing halitosis: a randomized controlled pilot trial Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry. 2011 April-June;29(2):90-4. doi: 10.4103/0970-4388.84678.

3. Asokan S, Rathinasamy TK, Inbamani N, Menon T, Kumar SS, Emmadi P, Raghuraman R. Mechanism of oil-pulling therapy – in vitro study Indian Journal of Dentist Research. 2011 January-February;22(1):34-7. doi: 10.4103/0970-9290.79971.

4. T. Durai Anand, C. Pothiraj, R. M. Gopinath and B. Kayalvizhi. Effect of oil-pulling on dental caries causing bacteria African Journal of Microbiology Research Vol.(2) pp.063-066, March, 2008.

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