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Friday, September 30, 2016

Why Nutrition Facts Matter

Why Nutrition Facts Matter

(DrEddyClinic News) Do you pay attention to the Nutrition Facts label when you buy food? You should. It’s not perfect, but it is an excellent resource for ensuring your body gets the right nutrients in the right amounts. The Nutrition Facts label should be one of the first things you check whenever you shop for food.


The Nutrition Facts label, also called the Nutrition Facts panel, provides information to consumers about the serving size, number of servings, calories, and nutrients of a particular food. These labels are organized into several distinct sections—serving size and calories, nutrients, and a footnote.[1] A list of ingredients is usually under or near the Nutrition Facts label, but is not technically part of the label itself. The nutrition label is required by law for most packaged food products in the United States. Many other countries require something similar with slight variations in format.

At first glance, the Nutrition Facts label may seem like a confusing jumble of numbers and nutrients. It can be more easily understood when you break the information down by section. Once you understand the Nutrition Facts label and the information it contains, you can make well-informed dietary decisions to improve your health through better nutrition.

Complete Nutrition Facts label.

What Is a Serving Size?

Serving size section of a nutrition facts label.

You can find serving size and calorie information at the top of the nutrition label. Servings are presented in easy to understand units, like cups or pieces. The size of each serving is standardized by the FDA to make it easier to compare similar foods.

Pay extra attention to the serving size. This is often one of the most overlooked items on the nutrition facts label. An official serving may be smaller that you think. A “serving” is different from a “portion”. A serving is a measured amount of food. A portion is the amount you decide to actually eat for a meal or snack.[2] One portion may actually be multiple servings.

If you eat an entire package of food in one sitting, you may actually consume two or three servings. Or more! Do you know how many servings are in a large bag of potato chips?

Understanding serving sizes will help you decide how much you should eat. As I write this, I just happen to have a half-eaten bag of Cacao Goji Power Snacks on my desk, so I’m going to use that as an example. Based on the above label, one serving of the goji snacks equals about three pieces. If you eat half of the bag in one sitting, about 12 pieces, you quadruple the number of calories and other nutrients shown on the label.


Calories section of a Nutrition Facts label.

A calorie is a measurement of energy.[3] Scientifically speaking, a calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree. A kilocalorie, or 1000 calories, is the energy needed to heat a liter of water by one degree. Because English is kind of an imprecise language, what we call a calorie when we refer to food is actually a kilocalorie, or kcal. For simplicity’s sake, and because of common usage, we are also just going to call them calories for the rest of this article.

The Nutrition Facts label helps you determine how many calories you consume in each serving. The serving size in our goji snack example is three cubes, which is about 120 calories. If you consume 12 pieces (four servings) in one sitting, you’ll actually consume 480 calories.

Why do calories matter? They are directly correlated with weight management. Your body stores the energy it can’t use immediately. Consuming excessive calories can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and other serious health complications. However, you also don’t want to consume too few calories each day. The calories you eat fuel your body, and a machine with no fuel can’t function.


Knowing the number of calories is important, but it’s not enough. You also need to be aware of where the calories come from. Not all calories are created equal. Empty calories, like those you get from refined sugar, do nothing for your health. Calories from complex carbs and proteins provide lasting energy and help build and maintain muscle.

Just below the calorie information is the largest part of the nutrition label—the nutrients section. The nutrients section includes fats, protein, vitamins and minerals, fiber, and carbohydrates. These nutrients are split between two categories.

The first category lists the nutrients that most Americans get and adequate or excessive supply of—things like fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Limit your intake of these nutrients to maintain a healthy lifestyle.[4] Excessive consumption of these nutrients have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, blood pressure, obesity, cancer, and other ruinous health conditions.[5, 6]

First nutrient section of a Nutrition Facts label.

I’d like to clarify that these nutrients are not necessarily bad in and of themselves. Human bodies even need a certain amount of fat and sodium to survive. Their inclusion here just means that most Americans get enough or way too much of these nutrients. The typical carnivorous American diet is generally protein-heavy.

Take Advantage of These Nutrients

The second part of the nutrients section details the beneficial nutrients—dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, and others. These vitamins and minerals provide a variety of specialized healthful benefits. For example, vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant and is critical for vision and skin health. Eating foods high in fiber is a great way to regulate your digestive tract

Second nutrient section of a Nutrition Facts label.

Consider the nutritional content per calorie. The more health-promoting nutrients per calorie, the better. A great measure of food is to think in ratios of Nutrients to Calories to make healthier diet decisions. Just as you can use the Nutrition Facts label to limit your intake of fat, sugar, and sodium, you can use it to increase your intake of beneficial nutrients.

The Role of the Percentage of Daily Value

The nutrient content is measured by two numbers. The first is the actual amount of that nutrient per serving by weight, usually presented in grams or milligrams. This information isn’t particularly helpful unless you know exactly how many grams or milligrams of a particular nutrient you need each day. That’s why the second number shows the percentage of daily value. The percentage of daily value tells you how much of your daily requirement of each nutrient is provided by one serving of that food.

What Does the Footnote On the Nutrition Facts Label Mean?

The final section of the Nutrition Facts label is the footnote. The footnote explains the percentage Daily Values of different nutrients. Did you notice that asterisk up by the percentage Daily Value at the top of the nutrients section? The first part of the footnote is the continuation of that asterisk. It says, “Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.” This statement is required on all food labels, and it’s very important.

Nutrition Facts label footnote.

People are different and have different nutritional needs. Age, gender, and activity level all affect how much you should consume. A 2,000 calorie isn’t the best for every individual based on needs and dietary goals. Someone trying to lose weight has different nutritional requirement than someone trying to gain weight. A large person will generally need more calories to maintain the same weight than a smaller person. A person with a very physically active job, like a lumberjack, needs more calories than someone who works a sedentary office job. Always consult your healthcare provider to establish the best diet for your individual needs and goals.

The second part of the footnote is not required. Manufacturers generally omit it if there’s no space on the label. This part gives the recommended daily values of certain nutrients based on 2,000 and 2,500 calorie diets. When present, this part is always the same. It doesn’t change from product to product.

This guide provides you with the maximum amount of certain nutrients you should consume on a daily basis, as well as the minimum amounts of others.[7] Limit the nutrients that include the words “less than” next to the number listed. Nutrients with a blank space mean “at least”, so you can consume more of those. For example:

Nutrient DV DV%
Total Fat Less than 65g =100%DV
Dietary Fiber At least 25g =100%DV

65 grams of total fat is 100% of your Daily Value. So you should limit yourself to 65g or less of total fat per day. For dietary fiber, 25g is the absolute minimum requirement.

Recent Updates to Nutrition Labels

In 1990, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) passed the regulations that led to the Nutrition Facts label. For the next 26 years, the label didn’t change much. On May 20th, 2016, the FDA updated some of the requirements for the Nutrition Facts label to reflect our better understanding of nutritional science.[8] Here are some of the changes.

The font size for “Calories,” “Serving per container,” and “Serving Size,” was increased to make the information more readable and attention getting.

- Food manufacturers must show the amount of nutrient by weight in addition to the Daily Value percentage.
- The footnote is changing to better explain what percent Daily Value means. It will read: “*The % Daily Value tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.”
- The label will now include “added sugars.” Until this change, nutrition labels grouped added sugars and natural sugars together.
- Vitamin D and potassium are now required on the label. Calcium and iron will continue to be required. Other vitamins and minerals can be declared on a voluntary basis.
- “Total Fat,” “Saturated Fat,” and “Trans Fat” will remain on the label, but “Calories from Fat” will be removed. Research show that fat type is more important than fat calories.
- Daily values for nutrients like sodium, dietary fiber, and vitamin D are being updated based on new scientific evidence.
- Serving sizes will be revised to reflect how much people actually eat.
- Packaged food items that are intended to be consumed by one person in one sitting must be listed as one serving. For example, manufacturers can no longer get away with claiming one 20 oz bottle of soda contains two servings.
- For food items that are larger than a single serving, but should not be eaten in one sitting, manufacturers are required to provide a dual column label that lists nutritional information on both a “per serving” and “per package” basis.

New vs. old Nutrition Facts label.

Achieving a Healthy Lifestyle with the Appropriate Nutrition

When most people hear the word diet they often think about restrictive dieting programs with the goal of achieving a certain outcome, typically weight loss. Instead, think of a diet as gradual small changes that steadily improve your nutrition. In other words, a diet is not a short-term program where you can lose 20 pounds and forget about it. A healthy diet should be a lifestyle change, consisting of hundreds of small decisions and smart choices.

If you want to change your diet, keep these things in mind:

- Knowledge is power. The more you know about nutrition, the better able you are to make intelligent decisions about your diet.
If you decide to eat something that is not necessarily healthy, restrict yourself to a small serving.
- Consuming the right foods in the right amounts is the key to good nutrition and good health.
- A raw vegan diet really is the healthiest possible nutritional lifestyle. I understand that this lifestyle isn’t for everyone, but if you can do it, do it.

At DrEddyClinic, wellness means providing your body with clean, essential nutrients and fuel so that it may rely on its internal cleansing and self-healing mechanisms to function with top efficiency. Starting a healthy diet can be as simple as one small change each day or week. It can be something as small as modifying your current diet or as large as implementing a complete detox diet plan Regardless of what works for you, nutrition labels can be an important tool for your journey to better health.

Do you pay attention to Nutrition Facts? Do they make sense? Are you able to make healthier lifestyle choice by following them? Share your comments below.

by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


1. How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label Food and Drug Administration.
2. Serving Size and Portions National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
3. A Calorie is a Calorie, or is it? A healthier you
4. Saturated Fats American Heart Association.
5. Fats, Added Sugars and Salt Health.Gov.
6. About Sodium (Salt) American Heart Association.
7. Nutritional Labeling and Education Act (NLEA) Requirements The U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
8. Changes to the Nutrition Label The U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Radiation therapy for cancer causes brain damage, disrupting

Radiation therapy for cancer causes brain damage, disrupting

(DrEddyClinic News) Doctors have known for some time that radiation treatment for cancers of the head and neck can often result in changes to a patient's sense of smell or taste, but they have attributed this effect mostly to temporary destruction of taste buds. But according to a study published in the journal Practical Radiation Oncology in July 2013, at least some of the effect may actually be due to radiation-induced brain damage.


Damage to nasopharynx and temporal lobes?

The study was performed on 22 people who were undergoing radiation treatments for a family of brain tumors known as gliomas. Fourteen participants were being treated for glioblastoma, three for grade 3 gliomas, and five for low-grade gliomas. The researchers conducted a dose-volume histogram analysis in order to estimate how much radiation each patient received to several different regions of the head, including the thalamus, temporal lobes, nasopharynx, olfactory groove, frontal pole and periventricular stem cell niche. Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire assessing any smell or taste disturbances at the beginning of the study (prior to radiation), as well as at three and six weeks after the beginning of radiation treatment.

Twenty of the patients submitted usable questionnaires; of these, half experienced disturbance to the sense of smell at some point during radiation therapy, while 70 percent experienced disruption to the sense of taste. Patients experiencing more severe taste disruption were also more likely to experience severe smell disruption.

The researchers found that an increased radiation dose to the nasopharynx was associated with a significantly increased risk of taste disturbances. Although not technically part of the brain, the pharynx is an organ inside the head that plays important roles in both digestion and respiration. The nasopharynx is the topmost part of this organ and sits just behind the nose.

The researchers further found that, when patients with tumors of the temporal lobes did experience taste disturbances, these disturbances were much more severe than those experienced by other patients. These more severe taste disturbances might have been caused by the tumor itself, or as a side effect of having radiation applied directly to the temporal lobe.

"Radiation-induced taste toxicity appears to be more common in temporal lobe tumors, and may be related to the dose received by the nasopharynx," the researchers concluded.

A widespread problem

Studies have shown that nearly 85 percent of all patients who undergo radiation therapy to the head and neck experience some form of unpleasant change to the sense of taste. These changes are significantly more common in head and neck cancers than in other forms of cancer

Changes to taste and smell can manifest as a loss of sensitivity, a distortion of perception (which includes being unable to identify familiar smells/tastes) or even hallucination (such as perceiving smells/tastes that are not actually present).

Beyond the emotional effect that this can have on patients, it may also lead to dangerous changes in dietary patterns, as patients avoid nutritious foods that have taken on an unpleasant smell or taste. Indeed, one study found that 20 percent of poor health in cancer patients could be attributed to malnutrition, rather than to the cancer itself.

The prevalence of this side effect makes it essential that doctors and patients become better educated, according to a study conducted by researchers from Wake Forest University Comprehensive Cancer Center and Virginia Tech and published in The Journal of Supportive Oncology in 2009.

"Oncologists who understand the types and causes of taste and olfactory abnormalities may be better prepared to discuss and empathize with these negative side effects," the researchers wrote.

Sources for this article include:

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

• View topic - The Harmful Organism Cleansing Benefits of Black Walnut Hull

The Harmful Organism Cleansing Benefits of Black Walnut Hull

(DrEddyClinic News) Black walnut, or juglans nigra, is a tree that thrives in low, very moist and warm environments along the eastern seaboard from Florida to Texas and north up through the Dakotas to Ontario. Its wood is dark reddish-brown and has a fine grain and luster that made it a popular hardwood in the early 17th century for furniture, flooring, gunstocks, and coffins. 


Many traditional medicine systems have utilized black walnut as a natural therapy, including the Romans who called it the “imperial nut.” Black walnut hull, specifically, contains juglone, tannins, and natural iodine and is an excellent support agent for harmful organism cleansing.

What is Juglone?

Juglone is found in nearly all parts of the tree and is a powerful defensive characteristic of black walnut. How? Well, juglone is toxic to many plant species which is why you will not find many plants growing within several yards of a black walnut tree. This defensive action has been redirected into healing powers and juglone is believed to be effective against harmful organisms Many natural health practitioners recommend juglone as an important part of harmful organism cleansing. [1] [2]

Paratrex Cleanse Your Body Today!

What are Tannins?

Plants produce natural compounds to help defend against insects and other harmful organisms. These compounds are called tannins. Tannins are believed to support harmful organism cleansing and even help with blood disorders and stress.

What is Iodine?

Iodine is one of the most appreciated substances in both traditional and conventional medicine. Required to produce thyroid hormones, iodine also supports harmful organism cleansing by affixing itself to harmful organisms and annihilating them. Black walnut hull is an excellent source of iodine.

Other Benefits of Organic Black Walnut Hull

- Supports healthy digestion and bowel regularity
- Provides oxygen to the blood
- Helps balance blood sugar
- Powerful detoxifier

Harmful Organism Cleansing with Black Walnut Hull

Combining juglone, tannins, and iodine, produces a potent elixir that is toxic to harmful organisms. For this reason, organic black walnut hull is one of the many important components of Paratrex®, the amazing health supplement designed to support your immune system and promote optimal internal health. Paratrex® works with your natural defenses to help create an environment hostile to invading organisms!

by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

AllerTrex® is a natural respiratory support product that harnesses the strength of powerful herbs and essential oils for effective lung and sinus cleansing.


1. von Kiparski GR, Lee LS, Gillespie AR. Occurrence and fate of the phytotoxin juglone in alley soils under black walnut trees J Environ Qual. 2007 Apr 5;36(3):709-17. Print 2007 May-Jun.

2. Lans C, Turner N, Khan T, Brauer G. Ethnoveterinary medicines used to treat endoparasites and stomach problems in pigs and pets in British Columbia, Canada Vet Parasitol. 2007 Sep 30;148(3-4):325-40. Epub 2007 Jul 12.

Blood Test Spots Colon Cancer, Polyps

Blood Test Spots Colon Cancer, Polyps

(DrEddyClinic News) -- The first blood test to reliably detect early-stage colorectal cancer and polyps may help identify patients who would gain most from colonoscopy, say Israeli researchers who developed the screen.

The blood test checks for levels of CD24 protein, which is produced early in colorectal cancer development and may play a role in the spread of tumor cells, say the team, who will present their findings Sunday at the Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium in Orlando, Fla.

"Screening is effective for early colorectal cancer detection and prevention, but for a range of reasons, many people are reluctant to undergo colonoscopy. Most people, however, are willing to have a blood test," lead author Sarah Kraus, head of a research laboratory at Tel Aviv Souraski Medical Center, said in a news release from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), which helped organize the meeting.

"The CD24 blood test holds promise for identifying the patients at risk for colorectal cancer and could help guide the best use of colonoscopy resources," she said.

Kraus and her colleagues tested the new blood test in 150 patients undergoing colonoscopy. They found that the test was 92.3 percent sensitive (accurate detection of an abnormality) and specific (able to differentiate certain diseases from other diseases) for detecting colorectal cancer, and 84.2 percent sensitive and 89.2 percent specific for detecting polyps that may develop into cancer

Additional, larger studies to confirm the findings are needed before the new blood test could be used for colorectal cancer screening, Kraus cautioned.

Another study to be presented at the meeting found that post-surgical (adjuvant) treatment with XELOX -- a combination of capecitabine and oxaliplatin -- was more effective than standard 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin (5-FU/LV) therapy for slowing progression of stage III colon cancer in patients of all ages, including those 70 and older.

The phase III study included almost 1,900 patients. After three years, there was no disease progression in 71 percent of patients who received XELOX and 67 percent of patients who received 5-FU/LV, a statistically significant difference, according to the researchers.

Among patients younger than 70, there was no disease progression in 72 percent of the XELOX group and in 69 percent of the 5-FU/LV group. Among patients older than 70, the figures were 66 percent and 60 percent, respectively, the researchers found.

"These findings indicate that patients with stage III colon cancer benefit more from the newer, XELOX adjuvant treatment regimen than from the traditional adjuvant chemotherapy, and that this benefit persists among older patients," lead author Dr. Daniel G. Haller, professor of medicine and of gastrointestinal oncology at the Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania, said in an ASCO news release.

"While treatment decisions should be made on an individual basis, these findings shed important new light on how we can best treat otherwise healthy patients age 70 and older," Haller added.

More information

The American Cancer Society has more about colorectal cancer.