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Monday, August 31, 2015

Ginger root eases nausea and vomiting

Ginger root eases nausea and vomiting

Ginger root is a favorite among herbalists, used in a variety of situations. The spicy root, or rhizome, of the ginger plant can either be eaten raw, powdered, made into tea, juiced, tinctured, or even candied. One of the most common uses for ginger root is for nausea and vomiting. Placebo-controlled, double-blind studies have proven that ginger root effectively reduces nausea and vomiting caused by motion sickness, surgery, and morning sickness during pregnancy. Because organic ginger root is completely safe to use during pregnancy, the herb is especially treasured by pregnant women around the world.

Ginger root is an effective antidote for motion sickness while at sea

A Danish study published in 1988 tested the effects of ginger root powder on 80 new Naval cadets who were out on the high seas in stormy weather for the first time. The sea-sick cadets were either given a placebo or 1 gram of ginger root powder, then measured every hour for symptoms of motion sickness for four hours. During this time, the control group of cadets experienced cold sweats, dizziness, and vomiting. The group of cadets who had taken ginger root powder had measurably fewer symptoms.

Ginger root has been demonstrated to reduce nausea and vomiting after surgery

Researchers in a London hospital tested ginger root as an anti-emetic, a "drug" that prevents nausea and vomiting. In a double-blind, placebo controlled study of 60 women who had just had major gynecological surgery, ginger root was compared to a placebo and the drug metoclopramide (Metosalv ODT by Salix or Reglan by UCB). Ginger root compared very similarly to this commonly prescribed anti-nausea drug in reducing nausea after surgery.

Pregnant women may safely take ginger root for morning sickness

The venerable medical journal Obstetrics and Gynecology published a 2001 study on the effectiveness of ginger for pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting. Seventy pregnant of women who were less than 17 weeks pregnant were studied for five months to determine if ginger had any effect on morning sickness. They were given either 1 gram of ginger daily or a placebo. Both nausea and vomiting decreased significantly in the ginger group, while barely at all in the control group. No adverse outcomes were reported. The researchers concluded that ginger is safe and effective for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. 
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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Why antibiotics may not work for Lyme disease

Why antibiotics may not work for Lyme disease

For some, early treatment with antibiotics is effective. For others and for those in the late stages of infection, antibiotics may be ineffective for the following reasons:
- Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, has a corkscrew shape that allows it to bore deep into tissues and cartilage (including the brain and nervous system), safely out of reach of most antibiotics.
- Borrelia burgdorferi can give up its corkscrew shape and convert to a form that is able to live inside cells ("intracellular") where again, antibiotics have less reach.
Borrelia burgdorferi, along with other similar microbes, can form dormant cysts that are completely resistant to antibiotics; the harder you hit it, the more resistant it becomes.
- Borrelia burgdorferi is usually accompanied and aided by co-infections of other stealth microbes that also live inside cells.
Antibiotic resistance occurs at a high rate with these types of microbes. An antibiotic is one single chemical substance. Bacteria, such as Borrelia (and also its co-infections), respond slowly to antibiotics and have more time to develop resistance to the antibiotic. In other words, the longer they can hang on, the more likely they are to become completely antibiotic resistant. Using multiple antibiotics at once seems to accelerate this process and alternating antibiotics doesn't seem to help. Resistant bacteria become even more entrenched.

Antibiotics destroy the normal flora (friendly bacteria) in the gut and skin, causing bacterial imbalance and a host of other symptoms in the body. Most importantly, use of antibiotics suppresses immune function, which may present the greatest hurdle to recovery—you cannot get well without optimal immune function.

Borrelia burgdorferi can exist in biofilms, which are protected colonies of microbes that form on a surface (such as plaque on your teeth), but what role this plays in Lyme disease is controversial. The symptom profile of Lyme disease suggests that it is not a biofilm disease and that biofilms are not a big factor in overcoming Lyme.

Doctors Treating Lyme Disease

...he is treating the patient, not the disease.

Some doctors complain that patients who have never been definitively diagnosed with the disease demand treatment for chronic Lyme disease. Other doctors contend that it is rare for a patient with Lyme disease to only suffer from one singular infection as ticks often carry and can infect us with several pathogens at once. In addition, there is not one "Lyme Disease." There are five sub species of Borrelia burgdorferi. Of these subspecies, there are more than 100 strains in the U.S. and 300 worldwide. And many of them are now antibiotic resistant. Even the worst infections may not test positive for Borrelia burdorferi. They may not test positive until initial treatment has occurred, a situation called the Lyme Paradox.

Dr. Richard Horowitz, of Hyde Park, New York, is one of the most sought after Lyme specialists. He states that at least half of his patients are infected with babesiosis. Rather than a bacteria, babesiosis is a microscopic parasite that infects red blood cells. Since most of his patients present with multiple infections and an overwhelmed immune system, he focuses on strengthening the immune system, knowing that he is treating the patient, not the disease.

Patients who are not lucky enough to see a doctor as knowledgeable as Dr. Horowitz often get caught in the crossfire that occurs when doctors are faced with limited understanding of a pathogen, a complicated infectious process, and a treatment modality that does not work the same for every patient. Stories abound of doctors accusing Lyme sufferers of being hypochondriacs or malingerers when they are experiencing very real, debilitating, painful symptoms. 
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Five everyday herbs for indigestion

Five everyday herbs for indigestion

Most people think that indigestion is simply the result of eating a meal that is too heavy or too rich or spicy. But while it's true that scarfing down a third cheeseburger and washing it down with a milkshake can really upset the stomach, overindulgence in food is not the only reason why people get indigestion. For some, it is linked to high stress levels and is a physical reaction to feelings of anxiety or worry. For others, it is a matter of wearing clothing that is too tight or restrictive. Whatever the cause, indigestion can really make people suffer, and that fact that there are so many prescription and over-the-counter drugs to treat it attests to how common this condition really is. However, there are also natural ways to help treat digestion that can soothe an upset stomach and restore the digestive system without having to resort to conventional medications.

Bitter orange

This is actually one of several "bitter" herbs which is thought to help the functioning of the digestive system. It can, for instance, increase the production of saliva as well as the production of stomach acids and digestive enzymes. This increase means that digestion tends to be more efficient and that an upset stomach is less likely.


Chamomile is mostly thought of as an herb to treat insomnia or anxiety. However, its uses go far beyond just getting a good night's sleep. Chamomile contains compounds which can help to soothe irritation along the lining of the digestive tract and reduce the inflammation that is the root cause of so much gastric pain during a flare-up.


Dandelions are often promoted as a detoxifying or cleansing agent which can improve kidney function and make it easier to remove wastes from the body. This can be useful if overindulgence has been a problem and taking this as a tea or tincture can help to increase stomach acid and make the body more efficient at breaking down food and eliminating it so that it does not cause any gastric upset.


It's not just for pickles anymore! The carminative properties of dill can help to gently relieve problems of gas and bloating in the stomach and intestines, and it is, in fact, so gentle that it can even be used on babies who are suffering from colic. 
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Thursday, August 27, 2015

3 Benefits of Shilajit for Women’s Health

3 Benefits of Shilajit for Women’s Health

Formed over hundreds of years from decayed plant material, Shilajit is a tar-like substance found in the Himalayas, Caucasus, and Andes. Pronounced “shil-ah-jeet,” it offers quite a few compounds that support human health. This substance has been part of Ayurvedic medicine for centuries and is especially beneficial for women, providing energy enhancement, mood support, and antioxidant protection.


3 Benefits of Shilajit for Women’s Health

Here are a few of the health benefits of Shilajit and how it relates to female health:

1. Supports Healthy Aging

In some villages in the Himalayas, Shilajit is a regular part of the diet. Residents of these villages consider it an important component for promoting good health. One research study found that Shilajit, when combined with Indian ginseng, may be helpful for reducing the risk of age-related cognitive decline.

Female Fuzion All Natural Hormone Balance

2. Energy Enhancer

The data doesn’t lie. Human and animal studies suggest that Shilajit helps you fight fatigue and feel energized. Traditional medicine credits it as a revitalizer to enhance physical performance. Why? Because Shilajit supports ATP production, helping to enhance energy at the cellular level. [1]

When researchers decided to test its impact on the physical challenges associated with high altitude, such as physical stress, lethargy, and general tiredness, they determined that its fulvic acid content acts at a deep tissue level to overcome these common issues. [2]

3. Antioxidant Protection

Shilajit is loaded with fulvic acid, which has remarkably high antioxidant values. Recent research indicates that it supports brain health and its antioxidant compounds may be the main route through which Shilajit protects the brain. [3] [4] [5] Women seeking to support cognitive function may want to consider Shilajit. Other studies have noted positive effects on memory, anxiety, cognitive function, mood support, and stimulating brain activity. [6] 
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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sperm counts continue to plummet, say researchers

Sperm counts continue to plummet, say researchers

Environmental pollution, plastic chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, unhealthy diets, radiation-emitting technologies -- these and many other factors are contributing to an epidemic decline in sperm counts among modern men, say researchers. According to reports, an estimated eight million US couples now have fertility problems, and about half of these cases involve men with poor sperm quality.

Today's men have much lower sperm counts than men did just 50 years ago. Before the days of agricultural chemicals, fluoride in water, and mobile phones, exposure to sperm-damaging elements and conditions was limited, hence the reason why men of old had better sperm quality than men today do. A steady increase in hormone-disrupting chemicals and other damaging factors continues to wreak havoc on male fertility, and the epidemic is only worsening.

Last year, a five-year study found that bisphenol-A (BPA), a chemical widely used in many plastic products, is responsible for destroying sperm. Another study presented at the 2006 conference of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine found that common selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant drugs can literally bring a man's sperm count to zero.

Researchers from the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio found that regular cell phone use leads to a significant decline in sperm count. And a recent study out of the University Hospital San Cecilio, Granda, Spain, found that common pesticides used on food crops lead to poor quality and lowered sperm counts.

Obesity, eating junk food and drinking sodas, using a laptop on your lap, and even taking too many hot baths can also destroy sperm. 
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Most Doctors Don't Tell Parents Kids Are Overweight

Most Doctors Don't Tell Parents Kids Are Overweight

Less than one-quarter of American parents with an overweight child remember ever being told by a health care professional that this was the case, a new study says.

"Parents might be more motivated to follow healthy eating and activity advice if they knew their children were overweight, but very few parents of overweight children say they have ever heard that from their doctor," lead author Dr. Eliana Perrin, an associate professor in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine and a pediatrician at North Carolina Children's Hospital, said in a university news release.

"As health care providers, it's our job to screen for overweight and obesity and communicate those screening results in sensitive ways, and we are clearly either not doing it or not doing it in a way that families can hear or remember. While we've done better in recent years, clearly there's more work to be done," she added.

Perrin and colleagues analyzed federal government data collected on nearly 5,000 overweight children aged 2 to 15 between 1999 to 2008. During that time, 22 percent of parents said a doctor or other health care professional told them their child was overweight.

This percentage did increase from 19.4 percent in 1999 to 23.4 percent in 2004 and 29.1 percent in by 2008.

Among parents with obese children, only 58 percent recalled a doctor telling them that their child was obese. Read more

Monday, August 24, 2015

10 Shocking Facts about Flame Retardants

10 Shocking Facts about Flame Retardants

Thanks to California law TB 117 from 1975, your comfy recliner better resembles a chemical waste facility than it does a relaxing chair. What do I mean? Well, TB 117 requires the foam in sofas, love seats, recliners, car seats, electronics, and insulation be treated with ultra toxic flame retardants. Although they may prevent your wares from immediately going up in a blaze, they are not without serious consequence to your health.


The Dangers of Flame Retardants

Flame retardants — globally recognized as toxic contaminants — have been associated with reproductive disorders, cancer, immune dysfunction, hormone disruption, suppressed thyroid function, and serious damage to fetal and child brain development. Here are 10 facts you need to know to protect you and your loved ones from these dangerous, pervasive toxins.

1. Your Dust Bunnies Are Toxic

According to Duke University associate professor of environmental chemistry Heather Stapleton, “If you really look at what’s in your dust, particularly for some chemicals, it’s just as concentrated — or more — as what you’d find in sewage sludge.” [1] What she and many other researchers discovered is flame retardants like PBDEs and chlorinated tris escape from the foam and accumulate in dust. Dust bunnies, by their nature, collect greater amounts of these chemicals. The more that around, the greater your exposure. Pets and little ones crawling on the floor may be most susceptible.

2. The 2006 Ban on PBDEs Did Not Make Furniture Safe

Although PBDEs were supposedly banned in 2006, the chemical used to replace them is equally as dangerous. Chemical manufacturers reverted to using chlorinated tris (or TDCPP), a chemical banned from use in children’s pajamas in 1977 because it causes DNA mutations and cancer. Even the newer chemical known as V6 contains tris. Research shows chlorinated tris is more toxic than the pesticide chlorpyrifos, a known neurotoxin. [2] Tris remains as dangerous today as in 1977.

3. Baby Products Are Loaded with Flame Retardants

You know why you’ve never heard of a “Foam tree”? It’s because foam, despite being soft, is not natural, it’s the product of mixing chemicals together. Subsequently, it comes as no surprise that car seats, changing pads, and other foam baby products are loaded with chemicals, including flame retardants. [3] Tris and a new chemical known as V6 (which contains tris) make up about 4.6% of the mass of the foam in baby products. [4] All the same health dangers apply which is why the best way to protect your little ones is to use and expose them to as few foam products as possible.

4. Children Are Most Vulnerable

Tests have shown that children typically have three times as much fire retardants in their blood as their mothers. The reason for this is believed to be the fact that children play on the floor where dust and carpeting collect fire retardants as the previously mentioned dust bunnies. This may explain the ever-increasing number of children suffering from hormonal and metabolic imbalances.

5. Flame Retardants Affect Unborn Babies

Pregnant women need to be especially aware of exposure to flame retardants. Research has shown that PBDEs have no problems crossing the placenta and can transfer harmful effects from mother to fetus. PBDEs have been found in the fetal blood of women exposed to products that have been treated with flame retardants. [5] Observations of children with higher levels of PBDEs in their blood revealed greater incidences of hyperactivity and decreased learning and memory.

6. They Cause Male Infertility

Regular exposure to organophosphate flame retardants alter a man’s hormone levels, leading to poor semen quality and decreased sperm count. [6] Read more

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Oxygen and Oxidation with Oxy-Powder

Oxygen and Oxidation with Oxy-Powder

Oxygen, a "good free radical" is an important part of Oxy-Powder. This means that it attacks harmful substances in the body. Further, oxygen is safe. It has not shown any damage to our normal cells, even in high doses. Our bodies require good "oxygen radicals" to clean up the mess we force upon our bodies from the poor choice of foods we eat, lack of exercise, coffee and cooked meats, fats, carbohydrates and dehydration. 

Repeated tests on Oxy-Powder have determined the safety and have found that up to forty capsules can be consumed in one day with no detrimental effects noted. Your physician or natural health care practitioner should always regulate the dosage and frequency of use. The product is non-toxic, harmless, beneficial and effective. Effects of using Oxy-Powder do vary between individuals. Most significantly enhance bowel function and increase the body's overall energy levels. 

It is important to point out that Oxy-Powder does not cause diarrhea, although increased dosage can lead to temporary symptoms that are similar. Increased dosages equal increased bowel function and improved assimilation. Effects do range from a loose stool to clear water, depending on the dose. Remember this is enhanced oxidation/oxygenation NOT pathological diarrhea. Germanium-132 has also been added to improve the effectiveness and act as an additional oxygen facilitator. Oxy-Powder increases nutrient assimilation and enhances acidophilus and friendly bacteria production; actually helping repair bowel function, oxygenating the body, improving blood quality and assisting in parasite elimination. 

Oxygen An Essential Element in Life 

Oxygen is the most essential element in life. With oxidation (union of an element with oxygen, as in digestion, burning or rusting), the universe maintains itself and breaks down, then re-constructs again. This life-enhancing element, O2 (two atoms in one molecule), is found in the air. A sick or diseased body has a hard time making use of available oxygen through inhaling it through the lungs, or artificially through oxygen tubes because, in most cases, our bodies don't have the necessary carriers (minerals, vitamins, nutrients, blood factors) available through our poor food supply. Because of this, the oxidation process (digestion) in the body falls short. Acute, chronic and incurable disease's result in cellular oxygen deficiency. Read more

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Genetic Glitch Tied to Disrupted Sperm Production

Genetic Glitch Tied to Disrupted Sperm Production

The cause of male infertility often escapes experts, but scientists have found a genetic mutation that appears to disrupt sperm production.

"This may be the most frequent single gene defect that is associated with male infertility known to date, with 4 percent of men with unexplained severe spermatogenic failure carrying a mutation," said Kenneth McElreavey, a researcher at the Pasteur Institute in France and a member of the team that made the discovery.

The gene, NR5A1, has been associated with other reproductive problems, McElreavey noted. "Studies in the last 10 years have linked mutations involving NR5A1 to defects in the development of external genitalia in boys," he said. "Last year, we identified mutations in this gene associated with a range of reproductive problems in women."

The new study links mutations in the same gene with reduced sperm count, which can lead to male infertility problems.

Male infertility is believed to account for nearly half of all infertility cases. Worldwide, about one in seven couples has problems with infertility and conception, according to the study.

McElreavey and his colleagues reported the findings online Sept. 30 in the American Journal of Human Genetics.

The researchers sequenced the gene in 315 healthy men who sought treatment for infertility because of an unexplained failure to produce sperm. They found seven men with a severe sperm production problem who carried a mutation in the gene. The defect was not found in more than 2,000 samples from a control group, for comparison.

The carriers of the mutation, McElreavey said, "may have a progressive reduction in sperm quality and quantity over time." 

However, some men may be affected more than others if the findings in women -- "some women carriers of the mutations have no obvious reproduction [defects]," he said -- also hold true in men. The difference may stem from other genetic or environmental factors, he explained.

In the future, McElreavey added, those identified as carriers might be counseled to start a family earlier rather than later, if suspicions about the progressive nature of the defect bear out.

What's not known is whether other genes regulated by NR5A1 are also contributing to sperm production problems, he said. Read more

Friday, August 21, 2015

Calories Matter, Where They Come From Matters Much More

Calories Matter, Where They Come From Matters Much More

The weight of the average American continues to increase. The latest statistics say we are up roughly 20 pounds in 2 decades.

Yet, as we have grown, so has the size of the weight loss industry. People continue to diet more, and continue to gain weight. The question has to be asked: "What is going on here?"

According to, which was recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of the best sites to stay on a diet and lose weight in June 2011, there are 3 primary reasons for this:

1. Many people have a toxic reaction to certain foods like wheat and dairy. This creates inflammation in the body and makes it difficult to lose weight despite calorie restriction.

2. Most people are not consuming enough plant-based foods, which are scientifically proven to help detoxify cells and decrease hunger.

3. The average breakfast consumed by Americans is very high in all forms of sugar, low in the amino acids necessary to transport toxins from your body and contains little of the healthy fat that the body uses for energy.

PEERtrainer's controversial assertion is that what most people think they need to do to lose weight—eat less and exercise more—is very incomplete. Of course people need to restrict calories, but they also need to remove the foods that create a toxic response and add the plants needed to remove toxins from the body. Read more

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

GEROVITAL GH3 injectable

GEROVITAL GH3 injectable

Pharmaceutical form:
Injectable solution intramuscular

Therapeutic indications:

1. Protection of the organism against aging phenomena
2. Depressive syndrome (light and moderate depression), in precocious stages, 
especially when conventional therapy is not well-tolerated or it has contraindications.
3. Parkinsonian syndromes where it can be used in monotherapy or associated 
with other antiparkinsonian drugs, especially with dopaminergic agents.
4. Osteoarthritis (chronic degenerative rheumatism)
Systemic arteriosclerosis with hypercholesterolemia, ischaemic heart disease, 
arthritis, cerebral atherosclerosis.

Curative treatment:

Depressive syndrome: 
1-st week: 1 ampoule i.m. /day, 3 times a week (i.e., on Monday, on Wednesday and on Friday);
2-nd and 3-rd week: 1 ampoules i.m., 3 times a week;
4 th week: 2 ampoules i.m., 3 times a week.
The treatment should be repeated 4-6 times a year.

Parkinsonian syndromes: 
Daily administration of 1 ampoule i.m. and two sugar-coated tablets, for 15 days.

1 ampoule i.m. / day, for 15-21 days and then 1 ampoule i.m. 3 times a week (every other day),
for 4 weeks, repeated of 4-5 times /year. During the pauses in injections series, 1-2 sugar-coated
tablets / day, 12-18 days / month, can be administrated.


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Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Benefits of Placenta Lucchini Life Cell Therapy

The Benefits of Placenta Lucchini Life Cell Therapy 

• Stimulate the renewal of epidermis for delicate, soft and more radiant skin- infants have more delicate skin due to much faster epidermis regeneration ability as to adults
• Improves blood circulation and helps to attract and hold moisture in the skin tissues for a lasting hydrating effect
• Normalize hormone production thus lighten pigmentation and freckles that cause by hormonal imbalance
• Supplements various growth elements – To stimulate cell renewal and regeneration, as to strengthen the elasticity of the epidermis and its supporting elastin fibres to prevent sagging skin and to erase lines.
• Increase skin cell regeneration ability and its immunity against inflammation
• Sheep Placentas protein content and DNA provides anti-aging benefits with Placenta Lucchini life cell therapy.
• Physical and physic fatigue. Lucchini helps to improve a general lack of vitality, concentration, eyesight and mental weakness.
• Placenta Lucchini helps to prevent and regulate problems associated with aging such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, gastric ulcers, migraine, blood circulation and arthritis.
• Premature aging and wear of different organs brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and digestive system. Lucchini promotes tissue respiration.

• Placenta Lucchini stimulates normal growth, regenerates and accelerates repair, of aged or injured muscle, skin, collagen, bone cartilage and nerve tissue.
• Epidermal problems, such as wrinkles, decolorization, pigmentation, eye-bags and dull skin tone.
• Anemia. Lucchini helps normalize blood characteristics.
• After surgery, Placenta Lucchini promotes wound healing and reduces recovery time.
• After effects of illness, Placenta Lucchini helps replenish nutrients required by your body.
• Menopausal syndrome, Placenta Lucchini is proven to be highly effective for women in their mid 40′s, approaching menopause. Lucchini reduces the pain and changes associated menopause.
• Patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer treatment. Placenta Lucchini helps to improve physical fatigue, loss of appetite and immune system.
We have the products. Pls Call us for Orders and Inquiries 

Benefits Of Collagen with Vitamin C:

* The basic function of Vitamin C
* Collagen is a fibrous protein, important in supporting tissues, skin, organ, tendons, ligaments and etc.
* As replenishment where collagen reduces when aged.
* Reduces fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and minor scars.
* Maintains the production of cartilage and joints.
* Improve elasticity of skin, makes more supple and moisture
* Suppresses formation of 'Melanin' contributing to dark spot after long exposure to UVA/UVB.
* Reduces the appearance of pimples/acne/blemishes and minimized pores. Improves the skin smooth texture.
* Prevents scurvy, which is a kind of vitamin c-deficiency.
* Increase body immune system. At a higher dose is believed to have the property of antihistamine.
Collagen Forte can:
Tighten your skin
Whiten your skin
Reduce wrinkles
Lighten skin
Lock in moisture in our skin - Read more

The 5 Best Natural Alternatives to Fluoride

The 5 Best Natural Alternatives to Fluoride

Fluoride has been a known endocrine disruptor for a while now, and there is some evidence surfacing revealing just how destructive it can be. Unfortunately, it’s still used in many dental products to this day. While it can benefit dental health, the overall health issues associated with consumption just aren’t worth it. Nowadays, there are so many other things you can use for a healthy mouth and bone protection.


Natural Alternatives to Fluoride

Protecting your teeth and gums requires time, commitment, and the right tools to get the job done. Brushing your teeth, flossing, and limiting sugar intake are all great methods. Fluoride may provide topical benefit, but beyond that, it’s doesn’t hold a candle to natural alternatives. Here are five supplements you should consider adding to your oral health regimen.

1. Neem

Neem is nothing short of amazing. One study suggests a neem mouthwash could even outperform a traditional dental product when it comes to reducing plaque! [1] Other studies suggest it has almost miraculous properties when it comes to approaching gingivitis. [2] If you want to check it out, one easy way is to look for fluoride-free toothpaste with neem leaf extract.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil already has antibacterial properties and is much safer than the endocrine-disrupting triclosan found in many fluoridated toothpastes. You can even use coconut oil as toothpaste if you like! Research suggests it can actually slow the growth of some bacteria that can lead to tooth decay. [3] Another study suggests oil pulling–or oil swishing–with coconut oil can also lead to a significant decrease in overall plaque. [4]

3. Ozonated Olive Oil

Olive oil has long been hailed for its moisturizing benefits, and this type actually takes that one step further with a process called ozone injection. This process bubbles ozone into the liquid for quite a while before it even gets to you. Ozonated olive oil is just one way we can use dental ozone therapy. One study even suggests this therapy could be more effective than traditional dental methods, so why not try the best of both worlds with a product like O2-Zap paired with a fluoride-free toothpaste. [5] Read more

  • O2-Zap
  • $29.95
  • [Learn More]
  • Europeans are now using this as their #1 beauty secret for oxygen facials. O2-Zap is a super-saturated formula containing 98.5% pure oxygen with 1.5% ozone in organic cold pressed virgin olive oil!