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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Oxygen and Oxidation with Oxy-Powder

Oxygen and Oxidation with Oxy-Powder

Oxygen, a "good free radical" is an important part of Oxy-Powder. This means that it attacks harmful substances in the body. Further, oxygen is safe. It has not shown any damage to our normal cells, even in high doses. Our bodies require good "oxygen radicals" to clean up the mess we force upon our bodies from the poor choice of foods we eat, lack of exercise, coffee and cooked meats, fats, carbohydrates and dehydration. 

Repeated tests on Oxy-Powder have determined the safety and have found that up to forty capsules can be consumed in one day with no detrimental effects noted. Your physician or natural health care practitioner should always regulate the dosage and frequency of use. The product is non-toxic, harmless, beneficial and effective. Effects of using Oxy-Powder do vary between individuals. Most significantly enhance bowel function and increase the body's overall energy levels. 

It is important to point out that Oxy-Powder does not cause diarrhea, although increased dosage can lead to temporary symptoms that are similar. Increased dosages equal increased bowel function and improved assimilation. Effects do range from a loose stool to clear water, depending on the dose. Remember this is enhanced oxidation/oxygenation NOT pathological diarrhea. Germanium-132 has also been added to improve the effectiveness and act as an additional oxygen facilitator. Oxy-Powder increases nutrient assimilation and enhances acidophilus and friendly bacteria production; actually helping repair bowel function, oxygenating the body, improving blood quality and assisting in parasite elimination. 

Oxygen An Essential Element in Life 

Oxygen is the most essential element in life. With oxidation (union of an element with oxygen, as in digestion, burning or rusting), the universe maintains itself and breaks down, then re-constructs again. This life-enhancing element, O2 (two atoms in one molecule), is found in the air. A sick or diseased body has a hard time making use of available oxygen through inhaling it through the lungs, or artificially through oxygen tubes because, in most cases, our bodies don't have the necessary carriers (minerals, vitamins, nutrients, blood factors) available through our poor food supply. Because of this, the oxidation process (digestion) in the body falls short. Acute, chronic and incurable disease's result in cellular oxygen deficiency. Read more

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