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Monday, October 5, 2015

Are Constipation and Back Pain Related?

Are Constipation and Back Pain Related?

A member of our customer service team recently received feedback from a customer who had been experiencing such severe constipation that it was segueing into lower back pain. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard a report like this. Soreness and lower back pain can definitely be related to constipation and not only severe constipation, even minor cases of constipation can lead to back pain.


Can Constipation Cause Back Pain?

Constipation occurs from obstructions in your system or from slow transit time through the colon. When back pain is a factor, obstructive constipation is usually to blame. Obstructive constipation is fairly self descriptive; defecation is painful or halted due to a blockage. Although defecation stops, the traffic in the intestines does not. Just like a real life traffic jam, it gets worse before it gets better. When blockage becomes significantly backed up, pressure on the lower back can increase and pain can result. Since the body will continue to produce waste, the pain can increase if the impaction is not eliminated.

Colon Detox Made Easy - 6 Day Colon Cleanse Kit

Sometimes attempting to alleviate the problem can be a catch 22. By straining and trying to force your body to do something it’s already having a problem with, you can create more pressure and cause additional pain.

Powerful All-Natural Colon Cleansing with Oxy-Powder

Can Back Pain Cause Constipation?

If you’ve ever experienced a pulled back muscle or chronic back pain, you know it can be extremely debilitating. Your back is central to your core, most of your movement originates in that area. When its very existence is constantly hampered by sharp pain, every movement hurts and most movements are slow and avoided. It can really be a tragic problem that even prevents some people from making it out of bed. If it takes 20 minutes to make it up the stairs, isn’t it probable that straining during bowel movements could also be a source of misery?

It’s also not uncommon to see constipation in folks who have sustained back injuries from strenuous activities or lifting. In some cases, it’s simple- the lower back muscles spasm and interfere with the autonomic nerves responsible for the intestinal action that cause bowel movements. 
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