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Monday, January 18, 2016

Top 10 ingredients to avoid that cause dementia

Top 10 ingredients to avoid that cause dementia

Food affects our bodies and minds. Many people would be surprised to discover just how many food ingredients are linked to cognitive disorders, like dementia


Dementia is considered by many people to be a disease that accompanies age. Contrary to popular belief, however, dementia isn't a specific malady, but a general term that encompasses a variety of cognitive impairments in memory, thinking and communication.

It's unsurprising that food alters our brains. What is surprising is that certain foods contain ingredients that can damage our brains. Consider the following as a list of ingredients that are best classified as brain poison.

1. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) may cause plaque buildup in brain

AGEs, also known as glycotoxins, are proteins that have become glycated through exposure to sugars. Cooking foods at high temperatures, including fries and meats, can produce AGEs. These harmful compounds have been linked to hypertension and diabetes; however, recent evidence suggests that AGEs are associated with dementia as well.

Increased levels of AGEs may cause amyloid plaques, which are protein pieces that are characteristic of dementia, to concentrate in the brain. A study published in journal PNAS found that the consumption of glycotoxins led to dementia in mice. The team tracked the cognitive health of young, middle-aged and old mice that were fed diets with portions of AGEs similar to a Western diet. The researchers found that old mice that were fed high amounts of AGEs developed amyloid plaque. The researchers noted that the mice's cognitive decline was not associated with age, since these symptoms were not found in aged mice on a low-AGE diet.

2. High amounts of aluminum are toxic to brain tissue

The human body was not designed to ingest aluminum Nevertheless, aluminum is a food additive used in almost everything, including cheese, cake mixes and milk formulas. It's also linked to the beginning stages of Alzheimer's disease No one knows how much, if any, aluminum is safe to ingest. The toxic heavy metal is regarded as a dangerous neurotoxin.

Aluminum is a like a drug that directly effects the nervous system. Scientists are certain that toxic metals damage brain tissue. A diet high in aluminum is no exception.

Read the full article at to find out the rest of the top 10 ingredients you need to avoid to protect your brain from dementia.

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